How to Take Your Network to the Next Level: Women in Revenue Community

Discover connection through community and grow your network. Explore how Women in Revenue, a global nonprofit led by seasoned female executives, connects over 7,000 women in revenue-generating roles.

Something powerful happens when women come together to share their experiences, especially in the workplace.

With our fast-paced work culture, endless meetings, and other signs of digital overwhelm, it can be so easy to keep your head down and focus solely on getting your work done. I used to think working hard was all I needed, but I realized it was not enough. Building strong networks is crucial for women for several reasons, particularly in professional contexts.

3 Key Reasons to Invest in Your Network:

  1. Access to Opportunities: More than ever, networking can and does open doors to opportunities that might not be visible or accessible through traditional channels. This includes job openings, speaking engagements, mentorship possibilities, and collaborations. For women who often face barriers to career advancement, a robust network with breadth and depth can be helpful in discovering and seizing these opportunities. In addition, investing in your network will give you much more flexibility if and when you decide to apply within a new company.
  2. Professional Development and Mentorship: Strong networks can also provide access to mentors and role models. This is especially important in industries where women might be underrepresented. A diverse network of experienced professionals can help in navigating career challenges, learning new skills, and making strategic career moves.
  3. Enhancing Visibility and Influence: Networking helps in build a personal brand and increase visibility in one’s field. For women, this is particularly important to establish themselves as leaders and experts in their industries. A strong network can amplify their voices, ideas, and contributions, which is crucial for driving change and breaking gender stereotypes in the workplace.

Networking is not just about building connections; it’s about creating a support system that fosters career growth, provides access to resources and opportunities, and enhances personal and professional influence in their respective fields.

I’ve been in the tech industry for over 20 years now and cannot stress enough the value of a solid community. I’ve had some incredible women act as sounding boards through my life’s many chapters, including mentors, managers, coworkers, and executives. But many of those existed within the company I worked for. When I was ready for a career shift, I learned the value of having a more robust external network.

Finding Connection Through a Community of Emerging Leaders

I was introduced to Women in Revenue by Lauren Goldstein, a friend of mine who is one of the founding members of this nonprofit organization. I was instantly drawn to their message of warmth, inclusivity, and opportunities to learn. It’s a platform with everything I was looking for–a free, female-led organization for women in revenue-generating roles. It’s ideal for people in marketing, sales, or customer service roles.

It’s led by a distinguished group of female executives with over 100 years of combined experience in revenue growth, accountability, and leadership. With over 7,000 worldwide members, they exist to uplift emerging leaders through networking, education, and mentorships. Nearly half of Women in Revenue members are Managers, Directors, and those looking to take the next step in their careers. The rest of the members consist of seasoned VPs and C-Suite, along with individual contributors.

It’s this diverse group of women that makes it a thriving online community.

Women in revenue website screenshot

My Experience as a Mentor

For a while now, I have volunteered my time as a mentor to fellow Women in Revenue members through their Mentor program. Everyone can benefit from mentorship–the good news is that you can be both a mentor and a mentee within this community. I love being a part of a program that’s purposefully built to elevate, educate, and encourage the female leaders of today.

They offer both short and long-term mentorship options, plus a dedicated platform to facilitate the perfect mentor/mentee match.

Besides their mentor program, WIR encourages engagement with the community via Slack. People can ask about compensation, request feedback on a project, pursue job opportunities or just share updates via their casual chat channel.  They also invite members to virtual and in-person events that include networking opportunities and amazing speaker lineups (often pulled from their own Speakers Bureau). I’ve attended several of their webinars, which have been really well done and are a great way to gain new perspectives and meet other like-minded women.

How to Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with Women in Revenue–you can simply join for free and opt into the virtual learning and networking opportunities. Or you can request a mentor and/or mentor others. They also provide an opportunity to join their Speaker’s Bureau, which provides visibility and opportunities to share your expertise. Check out their membership page and see what program would be the best fit for you.

In the dynamic and often unpredictable world of professional advancement, the value of connecting with a community of like-minded women cannot be overstated. There are other community programs like Athena Alliance and Chief but they do charge to join.  So if you are looking for an opportunity to try a community, Women in Revenue is a good place to start.  It not only fosters a supportive environment for growth and learning but also provides a platform for meaningful connections that can support one’s career journey.

Hope to see you there!

Danielle Cullivan Signature

Danielle Cullivan

Career Insight Studio

Danielle Cullivan is a seasoned leader in tech with over 20 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies. She is also the creator of Career Insight Studio, a career and lifestyle blog dedicated to providing insights and new perspectives for working women. Danielle lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and high-school-aged son, and visits her college-age daughter as often as possible! 

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2 thoughts on “How to Take Your Network to the Next Level: Women in Revenue Community

  1. Lovely article Danielle, looking forward to researching this organization, thank you for the resources!

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