Enneagram Magic: What It Is and How it Can Support Your Career

Enneagram provides a model of nine unique personality types, each correlating with a number.
We’re going to discuss each of the types and how Enneagram can help your career and relationships!

Ever stumbled upon a tool that feels like a key to unlocking the mysteries of your own psyche?  Welcome to the world of the Enneagram Personality Assessment Tool. Curious? I was too!

Simply put, the Enneagram is an insightful tool for understanding your own personality type. When you understand your personality type, it can bring clarity as to why you do certain things and how you connect with others. At its core, the Enneagram helps us to see ourselves at a deeper, more objective level and can be of invaluable assistance on our path to self-knowledge.

The Enneagram provides a model of nine unique personality types. The results of the test will give you a dominant number and also a “wing” number, which represents additional elements of your type outside of your main type.

Like all personality assessment tests, the Enneagram gives important information about our own value systems, as well as the values of those around us. 

This is important because when we understand an individual person’s internal compass, we are able to help motivate and support them – both at home and at work. As such, this is a great tool for motivating teams to work together and manage conflict more effectively.

How Does Enneagram Work?

I was introduced to the tool as part of a leadership training. My test result revealed that my dominant personality type is 1 (The Reformer) with 2 as my wing (The Helper). 

It has been enlightening to have this perspective about myself. As a Reformer, I am constantly working to improve my internal and external environment. Yet when under stress, I can slip into the habit of being overly accommodating. This has been so helpful to be aware of, especially in situations that require firm boundaries.

Knowing the Enneagram types of the other people in your working group can be super helpful in understanding why they might act a certain way or what they value. 

Click here to take a free quiz to determine your Enneagram personality type. 

What Are The 9 Different Enneagram Types?

Here is a rundown of each Enneagram type and what it means. Can you guess which one you are?

#1 – The Reformer

The reformer aims to build a perfect world. People with this Enneagram type work tirelessly to improve themselves and their exterior environment.

Reformers are detail-oriented and highly concerned about what is right and wrong. These individuals are known to lead by example, strive for high-quality results, and are known to pursue perfection in everything that they do.

Potential Weaknesses: Reformers can sometimes be overly critical of themselves and others. In addition to this, they can be impatient, controlling, and opinionated.

#2 – The Helper

The helper’s main objective is to meet the needs of others. Their personality traits drive them to support the people and events in their lives.

Helpers are great at developing meaningful relationships with coworkers and family members alike. They are empathetic, supportive, and generous to the people around them. Often, helpers can be characterized by their optimism and ability to motivate others.

Potential Weaknesses: Helpers can be overly accommodating and indirect in their attempts to be liked. This personality type is also known to have difficulties when it comes to saying no. It is common for helpers to overlook their own needs in favor of the needs of others.

#3 – The Achiever

The achiever organizes their life with the objective of meeting specific goals in order to appear successful and win the admiration of others.

Achievers strive to set and meet their goals with unwavering enthusiasm. They are superb at reading an audience and overcoming obstacles with confidence. Because of these qualities, achievers are considered the most entrepreneurial of all the Enneagram types. They are able to accomplish their career goals through persistence and determination.

Potential Weaknesses: Achievers tend to be overly ambitious, creating competition out of even the smallest objectives. Achievers are also known to hide their feelings and are impatient with the feelings of others.

#4 – The Individualist

The individualist strives to form deep connections with themselves and others. They feel their best when they are authentic about their feelings and identity.

Although individualists are unique, they love forming meaningful interpersonal connections. They seek inspiration and spark creativity in everything that they do. Individualists are known for their expressive and passionate nature.

Potential Weaknesses: Individualists are prone to self-consciousness and moodiness. They can have difficulty accepting criticism, yet are sometimes deeply critical of others. 

#5 – The Investigator

The investigator has a deep thirst for knowledge. They place great meaning on understanding the world around them through keen observational abilities. This Enneagram type is analytical, insightful, and prepared for anything. 

Potential Weaknesses: Investigators can come off as detached and aloof. They can also be independent to a fault and stubborn.

#6 – The Loyalist

The loyalist stands out for their insightful minds. They are prone to worrying and imagining all possible scenarios and outcomes in advance to prepare themselves for the worst.

Loyalists are known for their responsible and practical nature, as well as their sharp intellect. They are great to work with and adept at collaboration with others. 

Potential Weaknesses: Often, Loyalist’s minds are looking for the next threat, and they are prone to worrying. They can also find themselves stuck in analysis paralysis, meaning that they are so concerned with planning out their next move that they do not move forward at all. 

#7 – The Enthusiast

The enthusiast is always hungry for stimulation. They constantly seek out new ideas, people, and experiences.

Enthusiasts aim to keep life as exciting and fun as possible. They love to rely on their imagination and creative abilities to guide them. These people stand out for their upbeat attitude and quick thinking.

Potential Weaknesses: Enthusiasts are known to be impulsive and rebellious. They can also lack focus and detest routine.

#8 – The Challenger

The challenger does what they can to keep the ball rolling and make important things happen. They are known for pursuing justice through control.

Challengers are self-confident and authoritative. They are strategic thinkers and are adept at overcoming obstacles. This personality type stands out for its protective and supportive nature.

Potential Weaknesses: Challengers can be controlling or even demanding of others. They hold high expectations of themselves and the people around them. They are also known to be quite impatient and will not hesitate to express disappointment with others. 

#9 – The Peacemaker

As the name suggests, the peacemaker is known to seek harmony and contentment among all parties. This personality type dislikes conflict, tension, or ill intentions.

Peacemakers are skilled at diplomacy. They are able to communicate big-picture objectives into the operational areas of everyday life. These people are easygoing, great to work with, and supportive of the people around them.

Potential Weaknesses: Peacemakers are known to avoid conflicts at all costs, even when it means that they will suffer the consequences. They are also prone to procrastination and can suffer from indecisiveness. 

What Enneagram Type Are You?

One of the main reasons I love Enneagram is because it calls attention to our unique sets of strengths and weaknesses. How can your Enneagram type help you make the most of your professional abilities? 

For a more in-depth set of results, Bea Chestnut is an Enneagram teacher and has developed a new instrument to help others discover their enneatype.  The cost is $45. You can access it here!


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Danielle Cullivan

Career Insight Studio

Danielle Cullivan is a seasoned leader in tech with over 20 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies. She is also the creator of Career Insight Studio, a career and lifestyle blog dedicated to providing insights and new perspectives for working women. Danielle lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and high-school-aged son, and visits her college-age daughter as often as possible! 

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